Over the last few years it's not hard to notice the booming popularity of electric cars hitting the auto industry market. With the notorious Tesla along with the Nissan Leaf and Chevy Volt there are many fully electric cars to the point they they've become mainstream and even seem set to replace traditional gas powered vehicles in the upcoming years and a recent analysis by Bloomberg signals that the US might be close to a mass EV adoption tipping point. By investigating nineteen other countries where fully electric cars make up more of their yearly sales of new cars they found that once a country passes more than 5% of new vehicles being electric they experience an exponential increase in total EV cars produced every year after. As recent as Q4 of 2021 the United States just passed this tipping point, landing at 5.3% of new cars being electric. Time will tell how dramatic the US adoption of new electric vehicles will be, but if trends continue we can expect a quarter of new cars to be fully electric by the year 2025.
Here are some of the key points:
Electric cars are becoming increasingly popular in the auto industry, and they seem set to replace traditional gas-powered vehicles in the upcoming years.
A recent analysis by Bloomberg indicates that the US might be close to a mass EV adoption tipping point.
The analysis found that once a country passes the threshold of 5% of new vehicles being electric, there is an exponential increase in total EV cars produced every year.
As recent as Q4 of 2021, the United States just passed this tipping point, landing at 5.3% of new cars being electric.
If trends continue, we can expect a quarter of new cars to be fully electric by the year 2025.
How does this fit into the Hierarchy of Agency?
Believe in YOU, believe in US, and act with BELIEF! Our greatest power is believing: If you believe in a better tomorrow, you can be one of the ones who helps create it. We have to believe a better tomorrow is possible to see opportunities to create it. You have to believe in yourself, in who we are, in what you are a part of, and of our unbelievable possibilities to have the potential of the full life that your are deserving. With the rise of EV's its more important than ever to be excited for the future. Don't fear the change that is to come, embrace it! Search for more information, know the truth! Now is the time to educate yourself and prepare.
Learn more about the Hierarchy of Agency by visiting our page: https://www.optamerican.com/agency
Want to do more research? Check our source: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-07-09/us-electric-car-sales-reach-key-milestone