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Optimism Protects You From Depression


In this article it shares that optimism is a valuable mindset that can help people cope with disappointments, maintain self-esteem, and remain focused on their goals. Optimists do not ignore problems or pretend life is perfect; instead, they choose to focus on what's good about a situation and what they can do to make things better. Realistic optimism involves finding a healthy balance of positive and realistic thinking. Pessimism, on the other hand, can help people identify problems and potential risks, but focusing too much on negative thinking can lead to feeling discouraged and stuck. To cultivate a more optimistic mindset, people can try noticing good things, training their mind to believe they can make good things happen, not blaming themselves when things go wrong, giving themselves credit when something good happens, reminding themselves that setbacks are temporary, and paying attention to how other people talk about themselves. Becoming more aware of the two styles of thinking can gradually help people start noticing more ways to be optimistic, and it is a thinking style that can be learned.

Here are some key points:

  • Optimism allows us to see setbacks as temporary and maintain a positive attitude, while pessimism can make us take disappointments personally and exaggerate negative aspects of a situation.

  • Realistic optimism is finding a healthy balance of positive and realistic thinking and taking action towards our goals.

  • There is a place for pessimism in our lives, as it can help us identify risks and problems, but we shouldn't get stuck focusing on what's wrong.

  • If we tend towards pessimistic thinking, we can try to cultivate optimism by noticing and being grateful for good things, training our minds to believe in ourselves, avoiding self-blame, and giving ourselves credit for successes.

  • Setbacks are temporary and we can come up with a plan to move past them.

  • Pessimism can be unlearned, and it takes practice to develop a more optimistic mindset.

  • Optimism is linked to higher self-esteem and feeling in control of our situations.

  • Optimists don't ignore problems, but choose to focus on what's good about a situation and what they can do to make things better.

  • It's important to be aware of how we talk to ourselves and how others talk about themselves, as this can impact our own mindset.

How does this fit in the Hierarchy of Agency?

Believe in YOU, Believe in US, and Act With BELIEF! The article discusses the benefits of optimism for teens, including better health, increased happiness, and improved resilience. We must believe in ourselves and a better tomorrow, through finding meaning and love, continuing education, building self-esteem through challenge and honesty, taking risks, and finding gratitude.

Learn More About The Hierarchy of Agency Here!


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